Tuesday, March 9, 2010

BYE, BYE Soccer

So the girls just finished their soccer season for the Town of Queen Creek. Both Paige and Abby did such a great job. I was so impressed with their skills for being their first time playing. They really seemed to enjoy playing. In fact I think Abby wants to try another league so she can play again sooner. It was so fun, but very time consuming. I don't know if I'm ready for it. But if that's what they want to do we'll give it a try. Paige made 2 goals during the season however they were for the other team. She kicked it into the other teams goals. I think she was just excited to be able to shoot the ball into the net. It was cute! Abby never made any goals but she sure did a great job taking the ball up and down the field. She had some near misses, so maybe next time. She had some great blocks to the face and hand. But she was a trooper through it all. It was fun watching but very difficult at the same time. My competitive side comes out, and that's not always a good thing. I just want them to do well. Maren had fun watching them but can't wait until she can play next year. That should be fun balancing 3 seperate schedules. It was hard enough with 2. So it'll be very interesting. Here's some pictures with the girls and their coaches and their award ceremony.

1 comment:

Leita Farnsworth said...

Way to go girls! G-Ma was rooting for you even though I wasn't there. Way to go Jenn for useing wh!at I taught you about being competitive! LOL! Hope you were loud enough for people to hear you, we need to work on the whistle. LOL!!! Can't wait to see all of you