Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun on the Boat

So we have been pretty busy the last 2 weeks. It all started with leaving to Utah on the 3rd so that we could go to Jesse's wedding. We stayed with Rich's parents in Ogden. On thursday we were able to spend most of the day on the boat. Rich's dad took it out of storage for us. Our girls absolutely love going on the boat. So it made for a fun day. Rich and I did some water skiing, then the girls jumped in for a little swim. I did a little persuaing and got Abby and Maren to go out on the tube with me. But no such luck with Paige. When she makes her mind up there is no changing it. All three were able to drive the boat for awhile. Which they all loved doing. Maren just kept turning it in circles. It was pretty funny, but after awhile we had to help her out before we all got sick. We had such a fun day.

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