Monday, September 28, 2009

No More Pink

It's taken me a while to post this but the great news is Maren's cast has finally come off. She got it taken off about 10 days ago. The bad news is she's not really willing to move it. The doctor is giving her 4 weeks and after that then we will have to start physical therapy. He's convinced she'll need to do thearapy. I was really hoping she wouldn't but after the last week and trying to work with her I'm betting that is the route we're heading in. They took another xray after they took the cast off and apparently the bone grew more bone. I didn't realize that was possible. But I guess that is the way the bone reacts to bad injury. So I think that may be making the recovery a little more difficult. You can actually see the extra bone around her elbow. So we'll see what happens only time will tell. Here are some pictures of the cast coming off. Notice Maren's facial reactions.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow! That is great news! Maren, you are such a cutie pie... Miss you guys!